Fixture classes

After loading a fixture you have access to the inserted rows through the Fixture#rows method, this method returns the rows with the auto generated IDs created by the database. This is useful because:

  1. Now you can save some queries in your tests, and
  2. You can create fixture classes with method names related to the domain of your application. For instance, we could refer only the stations from Texas $fixture->stationsInTexas() or get access to all the administrator users $fixture->administrators().

Let's create an example. Suppose you have the following fixture file.

        name: "${company}"
        social_reason: "${bs}"
        address_line_1: "${streetAddress}"
        address_line_2: "${secondaryAddress}}"
        location: "${city}"
        latitude: "${latitude}"
        longitude: "${longitude}"
        created_at: "${date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 'yesterday')}"
        last_updated_at: "${date('Y-m-d H:i:s')}"
        username: ""
        password: "iL0ve_myJob"
        state: "active"
        roleName: "admin"

You could create a custom fixture class for your integration tests like the following.

class StationsFixture
    /** @var Fixture */
    private $fixture;

    /** @var array */
    private $rows;

    public static function fromURL(string $url): StationsFixture
        return new StationsFixture($url);

    private function __construct(string $url)
        $connection = new DBALConnection(DriverManager::getConnection(['url' => $url]));
        $this->fixture = new Fixture($connection);
        $this->rows = $this->fixture->rows();

    public function adminUser(): array
        return $this->rows['user_1'];

    public function stations(): array
        // Filter all the rows that have identifiers prefixed with `station_`
        return array_filter($this->rows, function (array $key) {
            return strpos($key, 'station_') === 0;

Then you could use it in your tests as follows.

class StationsControllerTest extends TestCase
    use AuthenticatesUsers; // This could be a trait specific to your framework/application

    private $fixture;

    /** @test */
    function it_shows_all_the_gas_stations_after_login()
        $this->authenticatedAs($this->fixture->adminUser()); // This method belongs to the trait `AuthenticateUsers` 

        // Query your database with your repository/mapper/table gateway, etc.
        // $stations = ...

        // Compare the result with the rows inserted by your fixture
        $expectedStations = $this->fixture->stations();

        $this->assertEquals($expectedStations, $stations); 

    /** @before */
    function configure(): void
        $this->fixture = StationsFixture::fromURL('sqlite:///test.sq3');