Fake Data

This library uses Faker to generate fake data for tests, or to seed a database for development.

The syntax to call a Faker formatter from your fixture file is as follows ${formatter(argument_1, argument_2,..,argument_n)}.

The following example will insert three rows into the table stations. It will generate fake data for all the columns. It is possible to pass 1 or more parameters as shown in the columns created_at and updated_at.

        name: "${company}"
        social_reason: "${bs}"
        address_line_1: "${streetAddress}"
        address_line_2: "${secondaryAddress}}"
        location: "${city}"
        latitude: "${latitude}"
        longitude: "${longitude}"
        created_at: "${date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 'yesterday')}"
        last_updated_at: "${date('Y-m-d H:i:s')}"